Top 20s: Active  [Gainers] [Losers] [Swing]

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Symbol Last Chg Value Million Buy Vol Buy Price Sell Price Sell Vol Open High Low Time
SPL 31.75 -0.50 243.24 7,200 31.75 32.00 136,800 32.50 32.75 31.50 4:35PM
TFB 40.00 -0.50 158.12 310,500 40.00 40.25 153,800 40.50 40.50 39.75 4:35PM
SGACL 14.75 -0.25 129.36 430,200 14.75 15.00 563,900 15.00 15.25 14.75 4:35PM
SCB-Q 41.75 1.25 138.07 30,600 41.75 42.00 15,300 40.75 42.00 40.50 4:35PM
ASL 43.00 -0.25 111.53 59,300 42.75 43.00 25,700 43.50 43.75 42.25 4:35PM
SCC 688.00 -52.00 110.94 300 688.00 692.00 800 732.00 732.00 680.00 4:35PM
SCB-C1 13.75 0.25 96.87 536,900 13.50 13.75 934,600 13.50 13.75 13.25 4:35PM
KK 46.25 -1.25 95.81 60,800 46.25 46.50 23,600 47.50 47.75 46.25 4:35PM
SATTEL 35.00 -0.50 95.38 251,700 35.00 35.25 102,500 35.50 35.75 35.00 4:35PM
TA 45.00 0 92.82 74,700 45.00 45.25 19,300 44.00 45.75 44.00 4:35PM
KRP 25.75 2.50 91.93 86,000 25.75 26.00 43,000 23.00 26.00 23.00 4:35PM

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